Club Coordinators - Timeline
February - online registrations openMJHC will send you an email to let you know that the website is ready to take online registrations for the new season. You can set your clubs own deadline but MJHC will close Junior Hockey online registrations on: April 1st. MJHC will send you an email with a link to access a spreadsheet of your clubs online registrations. You will use this spreadsheet to sort out your teams.
Advertising for playersOnce online registrations are open on the website MJHC will advertise on the MJHC facebook page. You can share this post on your schools FB page, and anywhere else you think may be useful.
MJHC will also supply a poster for Junior Hockey which can be put up on the school notice board. You can also create your own advertising material that is specific to your club.
The school newsletter is also a great place to advertise. Plus you could do an email to all previous Funsticks / Hockey players reminding them that it is time to register. Don’t forget to Include the website link for online registration.
MJHC will also supply a poster for Junior Hockey which can be put up on the school notice board. You can also create your own advertising material that is specific to your club.
The school newsletter is also a great place to advertise. Plus you could do an email to all previous Funsticks / Hockey players reminding them that it is time to register. Don’t forget to Include the website link for online registration.
Sorting Teams / Coaches and managersOnce all the players have registered and the online registrations have closed it is time to sort out your teams. You can schedule a meeting with the coaches and managers so they can help out. (Hopefully you will have a few parents who have stepped up as part of the registration process). It can be useful to write all the player names out on cards so you can easily shuffle them around as you work out the options. Ideally you will have a coach and manager for each team. (See more info on both these roles on the coordinator page). MJHC has a resource page which is great for first time coaches:
MJHC Team Registration deadlineMJHC will have a date that you have to let them know how many teams you have. (this is normally a week after online registrations close). MJHC need team numbers so they can put together the draw for the season, plus this info is used to create invoices for each club. Enter team names on your online registration spreadsheet. MJHC will create a column for you to do this. Please also include your Funsticks player details.
GearOnce you know approximately how many players you have - you can sort out if you need more balls, bags, shirts, first aid kits etc and buy if needed. Most clubs have shirts that they reuse each year. You can also arrange sponsorship for uniforms (be sure to choose a colour that is different to the existing clubs uniforms).
Contact details + info for the ManagersEmail the contact details for each team to the relevant manager. The manager will now be the point of contact for each team. Ask the managers to pass on the following to their teams: subs amount, your club’s bank account for subs, shorts & socks colours, practice day and time the date for your first practice and a link to our facebook page:
Each club coordinator is responsible for both collecting subs for both junior hockey and Funsticks. MJHC will email coordinators in April with the subs amount for the season. The club treasurer will send out invoices to each club in May, the MJHC account details for payment are included on the invoice.
Player of the day certificatesMJHC supplies player of the day certificates - these will be in the hockey cupboard on the first day of the season. They will be in marked bags for each club / team. Some clubs also do a can of lemonade or something similar to go with the certificate.
Team gear bagsEach coach gets a gear bag with info, a first aid kit, bibs, balls, shirts and a whistle. It’s also useful to print player contact details for each bag. Bags can be given to coaches at the first practice.
Season Draw (end of April)MJHC will let the coordinators know when the draw has been done. It will be available for viewing on the website, let your managers know and send them the link.
MAY - the season starts
Club dutyEach Club is on duty 3-4 times per season, this will be marked on the draw. Let your teams / managers know ahead of time whether they are on set up, changeover or pack up. MJHC will send out instructions to the duty club coordinator the week before they are on duty.
Subs - Pay your MJHC Invoice. MJHC will send out a bill for payment to each club coordinator.
Subs - Late paymentsAsk your managers to chase up late subs payments. Each club coordinator is responsible for both collecting subs for both junior hockey and Funsticks. In cases of financial hardship, assistance with fees and playing equipment can be arranged with MJHC.
TrophiesTrack down trophies from last year's tournament / prize giving - these will be needed for the end of season tournament (you only need to chase your club’s trophies). Plan your club’s prize givingSort out the end of year trophies for your prize giving. Ask coaches / managers to decide on player of year and most improved player for each team. Set a deadline of 2 weeks before your prize giving - you’ll need at least 2 weeks to order trophies + engraving (Awards NZ - are a good option) You can do your prize giving in your normal practice time slot to make it easier (you might need a rainy day option).
TrophiesTrack down trophies from last year's tournament / prize giving - these will be needed for the end of season tournament (you only need to chase your club’s trophies). Plan your club’s prize givingSort out the end of year trophies for your prize giving. Ask coaches / managers to decide on player of year and most improved player for each team. Set a deadline of 2 weeks before your prize giving - you’ll need at least 2 weeks to order trophies + engraving (Awards NZ - are a good option) You can do your prize giving in your normal practice time slot to make it easier (you might need a rainy day option).
August / September
Your Club prize giving - Junior Hockey participation certificatesMJHC Participation certificates for all junior hockey players will be placed in the hockey shed the second to last Saturday of the season - this is to give the coaches time to sign and name each certificate. These can be handed out at your club’s prize giving.
Tournament / MJHC prize giving MJHC will put all the info on the website - There is usually a raffle needed from each club, with a roster for clubs to man the raffle table. MJHC will also have an end of season prize giving with trophies for the season winners etc..
Collecting gearOnce the season has finished you will need to collect the gear + uniforms from each team.
Turf bookingBook the turf for practice for next season - ASAP - (time slots fill really fast!) ($60 per hour for the full turf) You will be invoiced for this monthly. You can cancel a booking but need to provide more than 24 hours notice to get a refund. Warkworth and Matakana have a standing booking on Friday afternoon: (Warkworth - 4pm - 5pm, Matakana 3pm - 4pm)